STEP4Textile: il primo innovation hub Green-Tech

Take part in CALL4SOLUTIONS and work with Italian textile excellences to reduce the environmental impact of their processes.


  1. Process Innovations: Technological process innovations which allow important benefits in terms of CO2 reduction, water use, energy or gas consumption, consumables and operating costs.

  2. Raw materials Innovations: Raw materials or chemicals for production processes of non-woven fabrics which are either substitutes and therefore comparable in terms of properties but less carbon intensive compared to standards, or produced in a sustainable way (e.g. by circular economy, by biological processes, etc.) compared to standards

  3. End-of-life Innovations: Innovative solutions to reduce environmental impact related to the end-of-life of textile products.

  4. Recovery of textile waste: Innovative tech or non-tech solutions for the recovery / reuse / valorisation of textile production waste, such as non-compliant fabrics and production scraps.

  5. Energy supply Innovations: Innovative solutions for the renewable production of Hot water over 90°C, Steam, Electric energy, Fuels that can replace methane or reduce its use through blending (e.g. hydrogen).


  • startup or sme

  • trl 9 or 8 (reccomended)

  • established

  • full-time team

👉 Candidature aperte fino al 19 marzo

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